Kakdwip Bidyanagar Jana Kalyan Sangha at & P.o- Kakdwip, Dist- South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, Pin 743347 is established in the year 2004 having the registration No: S/1L/21119 of 2004-2005 without any profit motive with a view to promote social activities to the benefit of the locality of Sundarban Area, especially to work in the field of education of the students of Pre-Primary and Primary to Secondary school and to establish teachers' training colleges for the training of the teachers as well as fresher students of the locality of this remote place, so as to the create efficient teachers. Besides this the society provide some other social activities like Blood donation camp, Eye operation camp, Beti Bancho, Beti parao programme, Trees plantation and other so many social activities through the organizations which are set up by the society.

A first a pre-primary, primary school and upper primary school in the name of Kakdwip Academy is established under the supervisions of the society at Kakdwip in South 24 Parganas in the year 2004. Next the society organized a B.Ed teachers' training college for the Secondary teachers namely Annapurna Memorial College of Education in the year 2012. After this the society organised a D.EL.Ed (Diploma in Elementary Education) college namely Annapurna Memorial College of Education (D.EL.Ed) for the training of the primary teachers of the South 24 Parganas as well as of the other districts of West Bengal in the year 2017.

Next the society has established an English medium school from pre- primary to class viii namely GBM Foundation Public School at Kashinagar, P.o- Kak-Kalinagar, P.s- Harwood Point Coastal, Dist- South 24 Parganas, Pin- 743347. All the schools and colleges are running smoothly and peacefully with the help of the efficient administration and the efficient and devoted teaching faculty. The result and performance of the students of the schools and colleges is very much satisfactory. Most of the passed out trainee students have been appointed as a teachers in different schools of this district of South 24 Parganas as well as other Districts of W.B.